Anyway, I started the morning with breakfast in bed. I had to ASK for it but that's ok. It was delicious. Then I headed outside to do some hard core yardwork.
Some people find these chores tedious. I thoroughly enjoy it! I love listening to the sounds nature all around me. Today there was a fantastic breeze blended with the warm sunshine. It was a perfect day to be out. M and C joined me and soon after my Hubs. With shovels in hand the boys ventured out into the edge of the woods to host their own Rock Party. Don't ask me what that is- something to do with a big pile of rocks. I have yet to be invited. They surfaced from time to time to help us with simple chores like digging and watering.
So the Hubs and I moved dirt, 'borrowed' some mulch from my Dad next door, and prepared the garden.
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. I stole this motto. I've made it my family's own. It fits in out here. The country life. It's all about simplicity. Using nature as your landscape. Use what's around. When mulch is not available we use leaves or grass clippings or even newspaper! Last year I learned to compost and started a garden. This year I doubled my garden space. I've dedicated one box for the boys to manage. It's never too early to be savvy! Plus, they love to help. I am having an absolute blast playing farmer. I have already enlisted my Mom to teach me how to can food when the time comes.
My eco-mission for today was to make a space for the strawberry patch. My Mom offered me the derelict old tractor tire we used to use as a sandbox 30 years ago. The thing is still sitting on her property somewhere! I figured it was the perfect solution. Sentimental, available, and reusable.
We had to hunt for the thing a bit. We eventually found it half buried in sludge and full of water and of course.......with a tree growing right in it's center! Somehow we managed to get it out and home.
Have a look and see for yourself!
IMHO I think it looks pretty darn SWEET!
2 boxes planted and 2 ready to go with some new rich black dirt. We did have to purchase some since our natural dirt is not suitable for planting. Even used some old cardboard to kill off the weeds between the beds rather than use chemicals. I'll lay mulch down later.
A happy little tomato plant.
The best part? I spent an entire day with my family outside doing what I love. I got lots of fresh air and worked up a sweat. I did something environmentally friendly. I get to look outside with a great sense of accomplishment at something I created. And I did it all for FREE!
This is the best Mothers' Day EVER!!
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